
9,50 €

BEZa barne

Ez dago eskuragarri


ISBN 9788482634173
Orriak 80
Urtea 2003
Argitaletxea Aizkorri Argilatxea
Saila Juvenil

Intended primarily for a young adult audience, this book presents a collection of a dozen stories, all of which are highly original, very entertaining, and bursting with wit and humor. Although at first glance the focus of the book and the main subject of its stories appears to be sex and sex-related topics, the unexpected outcome of each of the stories will pleasantly surprise the reader. These imaginative stories will put smiles on the faces of young adult readers and readers of all ages, no matter how proper or reserved they may be. Each of these marvelous stories ends on a charming note, making for a very refreshing collection. The...

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author and illustrator use playful language to make the reader think and reflect on a diversity of inspiring and motivating situations.

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