Hijas de la igualdad, herederas de injusticias

Hijas de la igualdad, herederas de injusticias

María Elena Simón Rodríguez

19,50 €

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Hijas de la igualdad, herederas de injusticias

ISBN 978-84-277-1627-8
Orriak 248
Urtea 2014
Argitaletxea Narcea
Saila Feminismo(S)

DAUGHTERS OF EQUALITY, HEIRS OF INJUSTICES - This book invites to reflect on the concept of equality, its meaning and effects on people born in the decades of 1970-1980, the age of the fullest expansion of feminist vindications, called Daughters of equality by the author. It describes how in their life many forms of inequality coexist, dry injustice, hidden under illusions of equality. They move between the limits of a sticky floor and a glass roof, both invisible through the veil of a subtle sexism of family responsibilities and loving availability that engage their time and space, and of obstacles and prejudices on their self-worth that...

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hinder the development of their professional and working careers. They are, also, risk population for gender violence in all its manifestations. All this is dealt with in this book).

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